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"Let The Winds Of Change Take You To Where You Want To Be"

The Danielle Collins Face Yoga Method
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I am a qualified teacher of the Danielle Collins Face Yoga Method, who has been using her scientifically proven techniques for over 17 years!

This method is a combination of traditional and modern techniques.  It is based on modern research and techniques that look at science, how it composed and how it is treated.

Just as the body needs regular excercise for it to stay toned and firm muscles in the face and neck, all 57 of them need to be exercised too.  This method reduces lines and wrinkles due to the muscles being lifted and firmed.  The muscles in the face are a lot less firmer than the body and therefore they take less time to increase and get toned up.

Included in the face workout (along with face yoga) is accupressure, facelift massage, neck, back & shoulder exercises and energy work.
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Also known as Zone Therapy, which involves the application of pressure to the feet or hands, with specific thumb, finger or hand techniques.  Pressure is put on the reflex points (corresponding to different parts of the body).  When pressure is applied to these areas and points, it helps restore balance, also helping to stimulate the movement of energy along the nerve channels.

Benefits can inlcude restoration of balance, relaxation, stress/anxiety relief, sleep improvement, elimination of body toxins, increase in energy, boosts circulation and speeds healing.

I am also offering Menopause - Facial, Hand and Foot Reflexology.  The method I use is an innovative and original reflexology plan that combines facial, hand and foot reflexology to balance the zones from the head to the toes.  I will also cover how best to support the liver health to increase energy levels, reduce the risk of osteoporosis and support the cardiovascular system with diet and lifestyle.

This unique method makes a difference to the symptoms women are experiencing in this sometimes challenging period of their lives which may include trouble sleeping, hot flushes, brain fog and mood swings.
Reiki is a holistic therapy helping the progression of physical, spiritual and mental well-being.  It is a healing therapy and is carried out by the placing of hands over the body using energy.  This energy is then directed to any area of the body that welcomes its support for natural capacity of self healing and balance. The "Life Force Energy" will flow towards the most needed areas.

Reiki can be used to remedy common issues such as relaxation, depression, anxiety, stress, digestive disorders, pain, insomnia and migraines.

I can also combine crystal healing with a reiki treatment to give a stronger healing energy.

The use of crystals for healing re-emerged about 40 years ago.  It is known as an energetic healing modality.  This comes from vibrational energies found within the crystals and the way they effect the human energy field and energy fields around them.
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The Havening Techniques ® is science based and is designed to aim to treat depression & anxiety symptoms that are a consequence due to a traumatic encoding of negative events, which have been encoded into the brain.​
The client can also use the technique of "Self Havening" which they can apply on themselves, this is useful to use daily to enhance your state of being.  It involves applying the Havening touch to yourself, whilst saying affirmations (things you are thankful for in your life, grateful for). It is also good for resilience building.

Issues that the Havening Techniques can be worked on are trauma related including, depression, stress, anxiety, bereavement, fears, phobias, PTSD and abuse.
I can also use a combination of The Havening Techniques, NLP  ( Neuro Linguisic  Programming ) and EFT ( Emotional Freedom Techniques).
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